I am inspired by the women I see in my daily life. I live in Paris. I frequently travel to Thailand, Laos and the United States.

I have been a feminist for five decades; initially I volunteered at a crisis center and then became a legal advocate for women and their families. Thirty years ago, I began to create artwork. First, painting, soon after, I learned to draw, and printmaking followed.

In the "The Backs of Women" series my passion to create and my desire to honor women comes together. This website chronicles the ways I have interpreted the lives and work of women in various mediums since 2022.

Currently, I exhibit original prints at Mariposa Gallery in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My drawings, original prints and paintings have been on view at Mosaic Market and The Meeting Room Art Gallery in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I often exhibit from my suitcase, making new work as I go from place to place.